How Long Does It Take To Build New Habits?
How Long Does It Take To Build New Habits? Did you know that it takes between 18 – 254 days for a person to form a new habit, and an average of 66 days for the habit to stick and become, well, a habit! This could be the reason why you’re finding it hard to […]
Top 10 Health & Fitness Apps You Need to Succeed In 2021

Top 10 Health & Fitness Apps You Need to Succeed In 2021 How many hours per day are you spending on your phone right now? If you’re anything like us it’s a lot! So why not take it from countless hours per month spent on social media and puzzle games, to some quality “me time”, […]
What about a NEAT way to boost your fat loss?

What about a NEAT way to boost your fat loss? You probably know the basic idea of losing weight: eat less & exercise more. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, you will find that the weight will come off quickly. But then your weight loss might stall even though you are still eating […]
How does Progress App Integrate with Apple Health?

How does Progress Integrate With Apple Health? The Progress App and Apple Health can share data with each other so if you are using both apps you won’t need to input certain entries twice.
Over 3800 people have hit their weight-loss target with Progress
Over 3800 people have hit their weight-loss target with Progress Can a weight loss journey change a life? We think it can and in more than one way. Lewis Smith, the owner & developer of Progress has learned this on his own, so we wanted to share with you his story and the story of […]
What to Track When You’re Losing Weight
What to Track When You’re Losing Weight Keeping track of your progress when you’re losing weight has obvious benefits – not only does it allow you to see what’s working and what isn’t, but documenting your success also provides easy motivation to keep going when things get tough. But what, exactly, should you be tracking?
How to Measure Body Fat Percentage
How To Measure Body Fat Percentage It’s smart to calculate body fat percentage as part of a weight loss tracking routine. After all, when most of us say we want to ‘lose weight’, what we actually mean is: we want to lose fat. And as the average set of bathroom scales can’t differentiate between […]
How to Take Awesome Before and After Photos for Weight Loss
How to Take Awesome Before and After Photos for Weight Loss I have a confession to make: I’m a total sucker for real-life weight loss stories. I love reading the backstories, I love poring over the struggles and triumphs, and I’m always interested to read about how people’s lives have changed since losing the weight. […]